Über die Quelle

Global Media and Communication is an international refereed journal launched as a key forum for articulating critical debates and developments in the continuously changing global media and communications environment.
As a pioneering platform for the exchange of ideas and multiple perspectives, the journal addresses fresh and contentious research agendas and promotes an academic dialogue that is fully transnational and transdisciplinary in its scope.
With a network of ten regional editors around the world, the journal will offer a global source of material on international media and cultural processes. Special features will include interviews, reviews of recent media developments and digests of policy documents and data reports from a variety of countries.
Global Media and Communication is essential and exciting reading for academics, researchers and students engaged in the international aspects of: communication studies, media studies, cultural studies, anthropology, telecommunications, sociology, politics, public policy, migration and diasporic studies, economics, geography/urban studies, transnational security and international relations.
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